
How Wanderer Bracelets Created a Community of Brand Advocates While Saving on Tech Costs






North America


increase in average order value


increase in PDP conversion rate

Key takeaways

  1. 01 Saved over $700 per month by switching to a review platform that could integrate with FourSixty.
  2. 02 Wanderer Bracelets combine and display media from reviews and Instagram in a single gallery.


Wanderer Bracelets retail handmade custom bracelets from traditional Balinese artists — every purchase helps support an artisan to earn a fair income for their family. Each piece of unique handmade jewelry is crafted with love and has its own unique story to tell.


  • Ben Katzaman, the founder of Wanderer Bracelets, knew the brand’s tight-knit community of global customers would make excellent brand marketers.
  • In order to leverage their loyal customer case as brand ambassadors, Wanderer Bracelets utilized reviews and user-generated content throughout the buying journey.
  • With lots of new shopper traffic being acquired through Google, Wanderer Bracelets’ previous reviews provider failed to deliver on integrating the brand’s thousands of product reviews with their Google Shopping ads.
  • On top of that, their reviews provider and Instagram curation provider were not integrated — costing the brand $2,000 per month for two high-cost solutions.
  • With the solutions not integrated, the brand could not show media galleries combining Instagram and UGC and reviews, nor display star ratings and review counts on products in their media gallery.

“So many of our reviews come in with images, but we have a separate user-generated content collection. Before, that meant they were really disjointed so it’s great to have them integrated into one now.”

Ben Katzaman

Founder and CEO

Wanderer Bracelets

Solution: An Easy-to-Use Customer Marketing Platform with Robust Integrations at the Right Price

  • With Okendo, the Wanderer Bracelets team is able to easily integrate reviews into Google Shopping and Product Listing Ads to promote their products.
  • The brand can send automatic review request reminders to customers who left 4- or 5-star reviews to invite them to add UGC in their review, in exchange for a coupon, with Okendo’s advanced email sequences feature.
  • The Okendo-Foursixty integration allows Wanderer Bracelets to show star ratings and review counts for products tagged in Instagram photos. The team can now also combine and display media from both reviews and Instagram in a single gallery.


  • 2.5X increase in PDP conversion rate.
  • 10% increase in average order value.
  • $700 per month saved in tech costs by combining their tech stack into one single unified platform.
Learn more about Okendo Reviews

“Every interaction we’ve had with Okendo has been professional and they went above and beyond to make it smooth and simple. It was one of the easiest app onboards we’ve ever had. It didn’t require a lot of additional team time to get it set up and it wasn’t a multi-week setup like some other review apps.”

Ben Katzaman

Founder & CEO

Wanderer Bracelets

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